Turn your garden into a bird paradise
Can't wait to hear birds singing in your garden again? You're in luck because it's spring again! To increase the number of birds visiting your garden, you can transform it into a bird paradise. Because having birds visit your garden is not only very enjoyable, it also contributes to a healthy ecosystem. So, here are some bird-friendly plants that should not be missing from your garden!
Sambucus nigra, or black elder, is a plant that bears beautiful white flowers which contrast nicely with its dark purple to black leaves. These flowers are attractive to blackbirds and finches. After flowering, berries appear on the plant which are also attractive to many birds.
Hedera is an ideal climbing plant that grows in early spring. Ivy provides shelter for birds and serves as an excellent nesting place. Blackbirds, sparrows and robins love this evergreen plant.
With striking blossoms in spring, Cornus, or dogwood, attracts not only insects, but also birds such as tits and robins. The red berries in autumn are also popular with birds.
Echinacea, also known as coneflower, is a garden plant known for its colourful flowers. These beautiful flowers are a joy to behold, but also make bees and butterflies happy. Birds like bullfinches and goldfinches, for example, will drop by specifically to pick the seeds from the flowers.
Crataegus, or hawthorn, is a shrub that begins flowering in the month of March. The hawthorn's flowering habit attracts a variety of birds, including thrushes and robins. As well as during the flowering period, birds also like to be around this shrub during the autumn months to feed on the berries.
The right place
Make sure bird-friendly plants are strategically placed where birds have easy access to food and shelter. The combination of these plants and the right spot will ensure that you enjoy a colourful and vibrant outdoor space in spring, filled with the singing and fluttering of different bird species. Enjoy the splendour of the natural interaction between flora and fauna.